User Story
A user story is a short, simple sentence that describes a feature or function of an app from the user’s point of view. It is a way to write down what the user wants and needs in a way that the development team can easily understand. Agile software development methods, such as Scrum, often use user stories to help teams break down complex features into smaller, easier-to-handle pieces.
Usually, a user story follows a simple template with the following parts:
- User role: The user role is the type of user who will use the feature or functionality. Like “As a customer” or “As an administrator.”
- Action: An action is a specific thing that the user wants to do. “I want to be able to search for products,” for example.
- Goal: The user’s goal is the result or benefit he or she wants to get from taking the action. For example, “So that I can quickly and easily find the products I want to buy.”
- The user story is usually written on a note card or a sticky note, and the cards or notes can be put up on a wall or a board to show what the project is and what it needs to do. This helps everyone on the development team understand what needs to be built, and it can also make it easier for people on the team to talk to each other and work together.
User stories are meant to be simple and easy to understand, and they focus on what the user wants and needs. They help make sure that the development team is building the right thing and that the development work is done in the right order based on the needs of the users and the goals of the project.
Used in Agile Project Management