12 Principles of Project Management - PMBOK VII
As per the Project Management Institute’s latest guidelines (JAN-2021), project management relies on 12 fundamental principles as described below.
Be a diligent, respectful, and caring steward
Create a Collaborative Project Team Environment
Effectively Engage with Stakeholders
Focus on Value
Recognize, Evaluate, and Respond to System Interactions
Demonstrate Leadership Behaviors
Tailor Based on Context
Build Quality into Processes and Deliverables
Navigate Complexity
Optimize Risk Responses
Embrace Adaptability and Resiliency
Enable Change to Achieve the Envisioned Future State
People with a wide range of skills, knowledge, and experience make up project teams. When people on a project team work together, they can reach a common goal more quickly and effectively than if they worked alone.
Engage stakeholders in a proactive way and to the extent that is needed to help the project succeed and keep customers happy.
Evaluate and change a project’s alignment with business goals and the expected benefits and value on a regular basis.
Recognize, evaluate, and respond to the changing conditions inside and outside of the project as a whole to improve project performance.
Show and change your leadership skills to meet the needs of both yourself and your team.
Design the project development approach based on the project’s goals, stakeholders, governance, and environment, using “just enough” process to get the desired result while maximising value, controlling costs, and improving speed.
Keep your attention on quality so that you can make deliverables that meet the project’s goals and match the needs, uses, and acceptance requirements set by the right stakeholders.
Evaluate and deal with the complexity of the project on a regular basis so that approaches and plans can help the project team get through the project life cycle.
Evaluate your exposure to risk, both opportunities and threats, on a regular basis to get the most out of the good and the least out of the bad for the project and its results.
Build flexibility and toughness into the way the organisation and project team work to help the project deal with change, bounce back from setbacks, and move forward.
Prepare those who will be affected to adopt and keep up with new and different behaviours and processes that will be needed to move from the current state to the future state that the project outcomes will create.
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