Task Board
In project management, a Task Board is a visual tool that shows where each task is in a project. It is used a lot in Agile project management methods like Scrum and Kanban.
Most of the time, the Task Board is a physical or digital board with columns or swimlanes that show where a task is in its completion, such as “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.” Each task is shown by a sticky note, card, or other visual indicator that can be moved between the columns or swimlanes as the task moves along.
The Task Board is a quick and easy way to see how a project is going and figure out where tasks are getting stuck or where there are bottlenecks. It also helps team members work together and talk to each other because everyone can see what tasks are going on and who is in charge of each one. Teams can work faster and better to finish their projects on time and on budget by using a Task Board.
It is used in Agile / Kanban Project Management / SDLC