Conformance is a term for how well a product or service meets the requirements or standards that have been set. It’s a way to measure how well a product or service lives up to what customers or users want.
Conformance in software development is the degree to which a software system or application meets standards or specifications. For example, a software product is said to be conformant if it is made to meet the requirements of a certain industry standard.
Depending on the business or field, there are different ways to measure conformity. Conformance testing is often used in software development to see if a product or system meets a certain standard or set of rules. This means putting the product through a set of tests or requirements that have already been set up and see if it meets all of them.
Conformity is important in many industries because it helps make sure that products and services are consistent, of good quality, and can be trusted. For example, in the healthcare industry, it’s important to follow industry standards like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to keep patient data private and safe. In the same way, it’s important for transparency and accountability in the financial industry to follow rules like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
It is used in quality managment