Cinefin Framework
The Cynefin framework is a way to make choices that helps people and organizations classify different situations and make better decisions based on how hard they are.
Dave Snowden created the framework at the beginning of the 2000s. Since then, it has become more and more famous in areas like leadership, management, and organizational development.
The framework divides events into four groups: simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic. There is also a fifth domain called “Disorder,” which is used when it’s not clear which of the other four domains applies.
Simple: In a simple subject, there is only one right answer and it is clear how causes and effects are linked. It is possible to use best practises and normal working procedures.
Complicated: In a complicated field, there may be more than one way to solve a problem, but figuring out the best one takes knowledge and research. Best practises and advice from experts can be used.
Complex: In a complex area, there are many things that interact with each other and it is not clear how one thing leads to another. To find the best way to do something, you have to try things out, make mistakes, and dig deeper.
Chaos: In a chaotic area, there isn’t a clear link between causes and effects, and the problem needs to be fixed right away. Once the situation is stable, it can be moved to another area.
The framework helps people and organizations figure out how complicated their situation is and choose the best way to make a decision. For example, to solve an easy problem, you might need to follow a set of rules, but to solve a hard problem, you might need to try different things and keep learning. The framework can also help people and groups figure out when they are in a state of chaos and take steps to get more order and clarity.